Sunday, December 1, 2024

Do People Even Blog Any More?

Probably but we are, as a people, more distracted with the TikToks and Reels of the world. It's the modern day equivalent of flipping channels. It's mostly a lot of garbage with people stitching in their own reactions to various things. There's still a lot of entertainment value and a little bit of mindless scrolling can serve to unwind our stressed-out selves. A lot of it is "same $h!t, different day". Oh well.

So what role in all this high paced scrolling: doom, learning or otherwise, does blogging have? Honestly, I think it makes a move in a direction that is sorely needed in the frantic pace of post-covid life. For me, the writer, it helps collect my thoughts. It even helps get nagging ones out of my head, leaving me a little less distracted. It slows me down and while I think much of what I write is as meaningless all those tiktok stitches, it helps get me into a form of flow. Flow is a term I discovered in reading "Drive" by Daniel Pink (I highly recommend this read for anyone looking for keys to motivate). 

According to Psychology today flow is "a cognitive state where one is completely immersed in an activity—from painting and writing to prayer and surfboarding. It involves intense focus, creative engagement, and the loss of awareness of time and self".

I guess we could be in flow while surfing TikToks, but that seems like a little bit of a waste (no judgement though). 

In writing I get to explore some of my lines of thinking and really craft what is on my mind. Some of it may come out as an absolute trash stream of consciousness, other times there's actually a little bit of viable insight. Times when I'm blogging regularly I'm more open to any and all that falls onto the keys. What keeps me away is too much stress/drive to have to get things done in the real world, or feeling like this needs to be an exercise in perfection. The former creates enough distracting thoughts that getting into the "flow" really requires effort bordering on mental anguish. In the latter, sometimes I feel like this thing I call a blog needs to be "about" something. True, there are streaks where I talk about things like exercise, diet, etc. This is usually when I'm feeling motivated/energized about such things. However, it's a trap to think that this blog needs to be on a single topic. Then I find myself working too hard to put a story together. Sometimes that's okay, but usually not necessary. 

Another pitfall I run into is worrying about getting reads or tayloring my writing to try to meet peoples' approval. This can keep my writing back as there are a number of topics I ponder writing that may be uncomfortable or find disapproval. I would say that now that I am six paragraphs into this post, this may be my most tragic flaw. Of course I don't mind being a "nice guy" but at times it comes at the expense of me being me. 

It's a tough balance to strike. There's value in a stoic approach to things. Kneejerk reactions and ranting can do a lot of damage to reputations and relationships. It's been well documented, but the echo chambers modern media is creating to build market shares, etc. is a key example of this. It teaches that instead of understanding where others are coming from we should just label those that disagree as the enemy and not worth interaction. This, in my mind could be the downfall of America, splintering by a million ideologies resulting in no commonality. Micro civil wars fought in comment sections and yard signs. 

I'm not arguing that we should all believe the same thing or have the same politics, but we should realize that people have their reasons for what they believe. We should be willing to discuss hard topics and try to understand and empathize, not alienate. This is more nuanced though, as a realist and scientist I do think objective truth is worth defending wherever possible, kindly and firmly. We, as a modern people seem to fail at the kindly part. Unfortunately, it's easier on our psyches to just label someone as an idiot and enemy. Kindness is the hard but necessary part.

Digressing (whew!) so what do you get out of reading this. Well the first hope is you get to know me a little more. Secondly, I'm hoping you get exposure to some new thinking and ideas that may inspire or at least make you think. I've tried, and still occasionally do, attempt to monetize this thing. That isn't so much me hoping to make a killing off of my blogging but is more a statement of my curiosity about how things work. Figuring out how to place ads and configure the page was an interesting exercise. I still drop some Amazon associates links here and there, but only really try to place things that I have found neat or beneficial. Any business that comes from it is just gravy; tasty but not necessary. 

I do have my own 3D printing set up and a small e-Bay store of my wares. There I am trying to actually turn my online presence into something monetary, if only to support the hobby. Please reach out to me directly if you need anything. I'm also happy to get you set up and trained to make :)

The last thing I hope you get is a light distraction from the day to day. Sit on the toilet and take a few moments to see what is up to. It won't have quite the variety of stitches as TikTok might, but it may save on your swiping fingers for a moment. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

My Three Travel Essentials

Travel has perked up for me again. I'm currently averaging one trip per month over the last few months and I don't see that slowing down any time soon. The trips are multi-modal, ranging from regional automobile travel to international long-haul flights. 

Along the way I have found that there are a few items that really up the comfort and convenience of my travels. These are beyond the usual collection of various chargers, sunglasses and enough socks and underwear for my trip (plus an extra pair). 

A Breast-pocket shirt

Oh hail ye, keeper of the pocket protector! While the time of fountain pens ending shirts is passed your need is still great! 

This may be a little "old dude" of me but having a breastpocket shirt, at least on the days where I am in transit, is extraordinarily convenient in terms of ease of access to stuff. The two main things I keep in them are my phone and passport. 

For the latter, when traveling internationally, it is good to just have a sound home for my "papers". They get asked for on planes and trains as well as when checking in and out of hotels and whatever conference or work event I'm typically attending. Adding a button to the pocket adds light security, too.

For the former, I really don't like having to "fish" for my phone. This is particularly true on flights. Putting my phone in one of the seat-back pockets feels like I've just dropped it into tartarus. On a bad day that might even result in my forgetting it on the plane. Placing the phone in my pants pocket can result in plain discomfort, weird contorting to get it out and what feels like reduced control (not that I can butt dial someone in "airplane mode").

Thus, the shirt provides a convenient solution. I must also admit that I'm being stubborn in taking the bluetooth headset plunge. My modest corded set helps provide quality sound watching seatback programming on Delta flights compared to the earbuds they hand out.

As for the type I usually prefer something button down with buttons on the pockets. Something along the lines of this outdoors shirt or this or this for the fairer genders. Breathable material and lightweight are important on the road. It's not pleasant to feel stiff and overwarm.

Reusable shopping bag 

This is another easy to carry, but super convenient item. I started toting one of these around due to work taking me to places where one needed to pay for disposable shopping bags. I felt it might be handy to just carry my own bag along and has proven its use several times over.

The first utility is the bag's original intent, for shopping. When I make regular trips for work or am just on the road a lot, eating at restaurants gets tired and expensive. I now try to make a habit of visiting a grocery store when I first get into town to buy lunches and healthy snacks. It's really something that helps me feel healthy over the course of my trips and really can save time, money and mileage. The bag makes this super convenient.

The next utility is on more exotic trips where souvenirs happen the bag again is convenient for shopping, but it also serves another purpose, an additional carry-on bag. My reusable bag has enough volume to handle a menagerie of trinkets, shirts, fine chocolates, etc. from wherever I was visiting. The bag is inexpensive, yet durable and can easily be tossed in the overhead bin on my return flight without too much worry of spillage. Carry straps can be tied shut, otherwise here's an interesting one with an elastic top 

The last use is simply as a laundry bag. On an extended trip it may be necessary to do some washing. Else it is simple to have a bag for laundry that you can simply unpack and throw in the wash when I get home. Again, the reuseable bag fits the need. 

This is truly one of those items that I now feel inconvenienced if I forget to bring one!   

A Raincoat

Lots of people bring umbrellas on trips. I find them clunky a lot more weight than I usually want to carry. They are also rarely used. Instead I prefer to bring a good raincoat. I'm not thinking the old heavy sheet vinyl variety but something lightweight with a hood, something like this

Yes, I'll wear this raincoat when it rains. I will also carry it with me on a windy day. It is an ideal windstop and, combined with a flannel or sweatshirt, provides excellent protection from the elements. When not in use, I can quickly shake it out and drape it over my arm or in my backpack shoulder straps.  In light sprinkles it can also cover and protect things I set down or carry and it can also help keep my rear end dry by placing it or using to wipe clear a wet bench or chair. 

I'm sure there are a multitude of other "essentials" one could carry during travel from universal adapters to industrial strength hair dryers. These three seem to have gotten me the most mileage for the least inconvenience to carry and would highly recommend adding them to your packing list!

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Resistive element

 I've tried to get my writing/journaling rebooted a number of times lately. The challenge is feeling like there's a lot to write about but no clear thought. I've also had quite the itch to be more a person of "action" lately. One more thing that I'm noting right now is I haven't felt the most comfortable just sitting. As in physically I feel like my legs have been hyperextending or over stretching and my back and glutes have been tight making me want to keep moving. Lastly, it feels weird to type like this on my work computer, even though I'm remoted into my old home computer.

Still, right now I'm committing to getting a few hundred words written. Even if most of it is just rambling I know that it helps streamline my thoughts and form ideas. Life makes a little more sense when written and linearized. 

As per usual there's a lot going on these last few months. The biggest thing has been my son graduating from high school and moving off to college for football and learning. I'm very excited for him and he seems to be doing well. I look forward to the first times he's home and how he maybe approaches life differently. This last weekend he had some of his first action on a game field being part of the field goal/extra point team. He had two opportunities, unfortunately the team wasn't able to convert and he got lit up/knocked over (welcome to college FB) on the one play I saw. If I were to find a silver lining, the block that happened didn't come from where he was protecting.

If I were to coach one thing up with my son's team's line, it would be the pad level. They aren't getting low enough in critical situations. This allows the opposing team to get better leverage (yes, think Orlando Bloom springing Johnny Depp free from his cell in Pirates of the Carribean). On the goal line I'm even a fan of the line being in 4 point stances. 

I'm hopeful that this large recruiting my son is coming in with and the fresh assistant coaching staff will result in success as the program moves forward. It has been fun/interesting to watch. 

I'd like to say home life has been quieter in the absence, but it seems there's always something going on. Right now I'm coaching a 5th grade football team. It is still a lot of fun working with the kids and we are having a good amount of success (currently 4-0!). My daughter also has fall fastpitch going on. It's also fun to watch her games, but there is a bit more of a "grind" element to it and seems it is starting to become less fun for her. The problem is the season essentially goes year-round and it's hard to break away from it. Sadly, she is leaning towards hanging up her cleats and glove and bat after next summer. She wants more of the many other things life has to offer, time with friends, trying new stuff, traveling, etc. I can't say I blame her and at some point yesterday's persona doesn't fit today or tomorrow's aspirations. Really, I'd like to  see club sports find more balance with the rest of life. People pay a lot of money to watch their kids burn out. 

My laptop batter is almost dead, I think that's enough for now.